Manon de Boer
Three short monologues of different people speaking Spanish, Dutch and French were first recorded and later given to an Anglophone singer (Alison Goldfrapp). She was asked to listen and vocally interpret this material. Not understanding the languages, she did so on the basis of tone, rythm and intonation.
Concept Manon de Boer
Voice Alison Goldfrapp
Sound recording Manon de Boer & Alison Goldfrapp
Switch has been on display at:
Antwerpen, (BE)
May 21–Aug 22 2010
Luxembourg, (LU)
Feb 19–May 25 2009
Galeria Vermelho
Sao Paulo, (BR)
Nov 25–Dec 31 2008
Jan Mot
Brussels, (BE)
Friday, Jul 4 2008
Frankfurter Kunstverein
Frankfurt, (DE)
Feb 7–Apr 27 2008